Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Instructor meeting at Newport Annual Conference

Everyone is invited to an important meeting of EOP instructors, chapter chairs, and Education Committee members. The meeting will be at the conference hotel, Aquidneck room, on Feb. 22 (Friday) from 2:00 - 3:30 PM. Here is a copy of the draft agenda BUT I'd really like to hear from you on other topics that you would like to discuss:

I. Outreach initiatives at the chapter level (SEMLA is one example)

II. Procedures for Workshop requests

a. Workshop pricing structure

b. Ideas from the Chapter Chair Breakfast

c. Creating a suggested price structure for workshops

III. Marketing the program via the chapters

IV. Report on the two workshop requests that have been received thus far

V. Ideas for future workshop development

VI. Ideas for future training sessions for instructors

VII. Procedures for submitting workshop proposals to ALA and PLA, where else should we propose programs?

VIII. Distant Education component to EOP

See you then