Friday, September 28, 2007

MLA board meeting

At the MLA board meeting on Sept. 20-23, the pre-conference workshop budget was approved by the board which included a line item for A-R Editions to manage the pre-conference workshop registration. A-R Editions will provide the registration database design and setup; processing of registrations; creation of nametags and certificates of course completion; accounting; on-site registrations and project management. This is a big job and one that the Education Committee was responsible for in previous pre-conference workshops.

At the board meeting in May, the board approved funding for the creation of a brochure that will be sent out to our pre-conference target audience. Holling is working with Patricia Thomson (Education Committee member) and A-R Editions staff to develop the brochure.

Educational Outreach Program featured in MLA Newsletter

The Educational Outreach Program will be featured in the upcoming MLA newsletter. Watch for the next MLA newsletter to read more details about the program. We are hoping to gain more instructors with this publicity. What other ways can we recruit instructors into the program?

Save the date

The date for the pre-conference workshop is Feb. 20 from 8:30 - 4:30 at the MLA conference hotel ( There is a reduced registration rate of $50 for instructors (normal registration is $90). All instructors should plan on attending this important conference as a training and networking opportunity. We can't wait to see you there.

"Train-the-trainer " portion of the pre-conference workshop

The "Train-the-trainer" portion of the 2008 pre-conference workshop on Feb. 20, 2008 is starting to take shape. Here is the first draft. Please feel free to comment and make suggestions either on the content or the progression of topics.

“Train-the-Trainer” workshop:

8:30 - 11:45 AM Observe "model" workshop (includes break)

11:45 - 1:00 PM Lunch

1:00 – 2:00 PM Teaching Techniques

2:00 – 3:00 PM Critique and discussion of “model” workshop (in subgroups)

3:00 – 3:15 PM Break

3:15 – 3:45 PM Networking, sharing of syllabi, discussion of learning outcomes and how to reduce/expand a workshop (in subgroups)

3:45 – 4:15 PM Outreach techniques (Erin Mayhood, Darwin Scott)

4:15 – 4:30 PM Wrap-up and evaluation

Who's Who in the EOP

There are alot of people involved in the Educational Outreach Program. I wanted to recognize them and thank these folks for all their hard work so far:

Don Widmer

Member, Education Committee, pre-conference workshop organizer

Joseph Hafner
Co-chair, Education Committee, Instructor for pre-conference workshop "Client Services"
Holling Smith-Borne
Co-chair, Education Committee

Gregg Geary

Chair, Library School Liaison Subcommittee

Alan Karass

Chair, Outreach Subcommittee

Tracey Rudnick

Chair elect, MOUG, liaison to EOP

Neil Hughes

Chair, MOUG

David King

Subgroup coordinator, reference

Mac Nelson

Subgroup coordinator, cataloging

Jean Harden

Subgroup coordinator, cataloging (back-up)

Greg MacAyeal

Subgroup coordinator, Collection development/Acquisitions

Marci Cohen

Model instructor and pre-conference workshop presenter, Collection development/acquisitions

Jay Weitz

Model instructor and pre-conference workshop presenter, cataloging

Jeanette Casey

Model instructor and pre-conference workshop presenter, reference

Patricia Thomson

Member, Education Committee, pre-conference workshop registration coordinator

Instructors Selected for Pre-Conference Workshop

Pre-conference workshop instructors have been selected by the workshop subgroups and they have confirmed their participation:

Music Cataloging: Jay Weitz

Music Reference: Jeanette Casey

Collection Development / Acquisitions: Marci Cohen

Thanks to the subgroup coordinators for soliciting names, bios, and qualifications.

Welcome to the Educational Outreach Program Blog

I created this blog for maximum communication between MLA members and MOUG members who are involved with the Educational Outreach Program sponsored by MLA and MOUG. This is the place to provide feedback, offer suggestions, ask questions, comment on workshops, and help with making this program a success.